the psychology behind decreasing volatility bull moves

The markets are stuck in this slow motion melt up

And I’m very aware how annoying it is. 

I’ve felt like I have nothing much to talk about in these emails for weeks.

After all, its a bit late in a move to be getting long (the easy part of it is done) and its a sucker play to get short.

My buddy Daniel keeps telling me how stonks only go up now.

Let’s talk about WHY this happens, and what eventually ends it.

Decreasing volatility during an uptrend isn’t actually very common. 

Only happens in about 13% of trends.

So traders see a bull move and they think its a regular bull move with reasonable pullbacks that you could get away with a little shorting here and there…. but it’s not.

These type of moves have hardly any pullbacks at all. The shorts are constantly getting squeezed, so the bears remain too weak to mount any counter offence.

Decreasing volatility is a way of saying the candles are getting smaller and smaller.

The psychology driving that is COMPLACENCY.

That’s important to undersand.

After about 40 weeks of the market slowly grinding up, the bulls have forgotten that bad things can happen.

This slow-grind state of affairs tends to continue until we reach an EXTREME.

The extreme is what you should be looking for.

A state of affairs so boring that you just couldn’t be arsed even checking the markets. 

Then they explode. And after a period of boredom, the markets have a strong tendency to do the opposite.

Remember how exciting February through May was?

And how boring everything since then has been?
Well, we are near the end of that boring stretch, but not *at* the end.

Which is annoying but that’s life.

Fortunately, our system trading is steady and smooth.

Anyway, for those in the Gold and Platinum group and the Trader Success Academy I’m teaching live today at the calendar link you should have.

If you’d like to learn more about the system we all use, which has a proper track record that you can audit to work out if I’m lying…

I’ve put together a free training which I think is going to be worth your time to watch

Anyway, I’m trading now so I better get back to work.


p.s. Happy Straya day to my fellow Aussies! Eat some lamb for me will ya!

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