The Gamestop short squeeze is one for the record books and it continues unabated.
Today I’m going to show you how to catch these, every single time.
I’ve been inundated with emails and messages about this, and to answer the question EVERY ONE HAS…
YES I have a system to catch these!
In fact, I spent the day with some hideously expensive historical short interest data and my notes on Laurent Bernut’s “squeeze box” system.
Laurent is a very famous hedge fund short seller who I met a few years ago and we got to become close friends.
He taught me his brilliant systems and I taught him my average ones.
If you think I’ve got system building chops, a big part of it is down to him. Just a wonderful human being, a kind and decent man with morals and integrity like I wish I had.
Anyway, Laurent had built a system for trading these squeeze plays but he stopped using it because he was invariably betting against other people in his hedge fund.
Apparantly it gets awkward if you need to go out for sadface whiskeys with a colleage who has lost his ass on the same stock you just made a fortune on.
Anyway, we glossed over it at the time, but I pulled out my notes, did a little work on the exits today, and I have it shoehorned into something brilliant.
Anyway, here is the details on the system
– Designed ONLY to capture “gamestop” level squeezes. Right now they are popping off like crazy, but I suspect this is a pretty abnormal time.
– You can invest directly in the shares, but ideally this is an OPTIONS PLAY. Taking advantage of the inherent leverage in options is smart, and you don’t need to know complicated option math for this.
– Totally suitable for robinhood, in fact that’s the ideal way to do it.
– 100% mechanical system rules. No discretion, intuition, or any of that bullshit.
– Zero technical analysis needed
– Includes historical data going back 2 years so you can test and modify to your heart’s content. This data was hella expensive and is near impossible to find.
I spent the day going through examples, checking with the historical data and I COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE FAILURE in the last 3 months.
Obviously that’s an anomaly. It must just be that short squeezes are the play of the month and they can’t lose right now.
I went through literally 50 of them and they ALL CRUSHED.
Every last one.
Its ridonculous.
So what would you expect to pay for a system so cool?
$1000? $5000?
I’m not gonna do you that way.
Here’s the deal.
I’m gonna give you 24hrs to get it at $99.
Then the price goes up to $199.
After a week I’m closing the cart and taking it off the market. When I put it back up it will be at a “real price” somewhere around $500.
So if you are the type of guy who likes a discount this is for you.
Anyway…you have 24hrs to get it for just $99
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