Business Analyst and Technical Writer’s Guide

Writer’s Goals

1) “Easy to read”.

2) Reader ‘captivates the contents’.

3) Reader likes writer, because her/his   way of thinking matches with writing style of writer:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickies to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

Business Communication
Type/Class         Theme         Objective
Technical paper, Manual or Procedures         Linear Thoughts         Inform , Educate
Sales Letter         Persuasive         Create a Call To Action
Story Telling         Emotional         Narrate,  Educate
Report or Inter Office Memo etc.         Strictly Informative         Request a decision, inform
Executive Summary         Strictly Informative         Inform , Educate, Update
Article         Strictly Informative         Inform , Educate, Update
Blog         Strictly Informative         Inform , Educate, Update
News         Informative         Inform , Educate, Update
Business Planning  Linear & Logical Thinking Inform , educate,  request a decision,  create a call to action

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